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Have you ever trek to the top of the highest waterfall in Malaysia? 

If you are looking for a scenic tropical forest with elevation below 2,000 m trekking experience, you may consider Chemerong-Berembun-Langsir (CBL) in Hulu Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia. Without a doubt, CBL is one of the most beautiful treks in West Malaysia due to the Chemorong Waterfall. Chemerong Waterfall at elevation 370 m is one of the highest waterfall in Malaysia. The hike to the waterfall is combined with a trek to Gunung Berembun (1,036 m) and Langsir Waterfall (801 m) to form the CBL trek with about 27 km.


Recommend period to trek:
February to September (Avoid raining season)

Things to bring:
Bag (min. 35 mL), water (min. 1L), torchlight, headlamp, hiking shoes, slippers (to wear at campsite), camera, clothes, pajamas, microfiber towel, plastic bag (for dirty clothes and rubbish), sleeping bag, tent, hat, hiking stick, emergency blanket, raincoat, flatware (spoon, fork and plate), mosquito repellent, first aid kits, salt (in case you need to remove leech), sarong (bath or change clothes), toothpaste and toothbrush, shower gel (we brought but not really bath at there)

RM 180 per pax (package by Recreation Outdoor Hikers)

Starting point:
4.658345, 103.002549

In year 2019, we decided to take a challenge to experience camping on a mount. The adventurous trekking took up to three days and two nights. We were following an organisation known as Recreation Outdoor Hikers (R.O.H) which lead by professional hikers. The fees of RM 180 per pax included hiking permit, a shirt, meal (1 dinner meal for the first day, 3 meals for the second day and 2 meals for the last day) as well as fly tent and ground.

We departed a day before from Ipoh, Perak to reach Dungun as it is the nearest town from the starting point.

Day 1

Chemerong Waterfall → Kem B (Kem Balak) → Bukit Taubat → Kem Y

We departed from hotel around 7.00 am and gathered at the starting point by 8 am. It started from an office of Forestry Department and thus, it was considered safe to park our car here.

We unloaded our bags and equipment and gathered together with other hikers to wait for the briefing. In the meantime, the crews were dividing the ration food for us to be brought together on the hike. Each person was required to carry a bag with different items. (Example: rice, small gas tank, marinated chicken, salted fish, spices, oil and other food to be prepared for our meals for the following days). The crews were so friendly, and they gave some briefing and warm up prior to starting our trek.

In the first day of trekking, we headed to the magnificent Chemerong Waterfall as our first check point. At there we enjoyed some mother nature’s creation of the majestic waterfall. Next, we continued our trekking to Kem B (Kem Balak) which was a relatively flat ground with a small river adjacent. Initially, we planned to rest and have lunch at Kem B, but there was another group staying at there. Ergo, we continued to Kem Y by experiencing a steep vertical ascend and passing by Bukit Taubat. We can only had some self-prepared bread as lunch along the way. We reached Kem Y around 5 pm and rushed to set up fly tent and ground (provided by crews) as it was about to rain. Kem Y is adjacent to the river and it is relatively a smaller flat area compared to Kem B.

It was pouring with rain just right after we done setting up the fly tent and ground. Luckily, we still managed to have a quick and simple clean up at the river right in front of the campsite, although it was quite a challenge for a girl to do clean up and change clothes at such environment. In the meanwhile, the crews were busying to prepare our dinner. We too helping them for dinner preparation and food distributing as there were not much things we can do under this kind of weather.

It was an unforgettable night which few of us squeezing under a fly tent and feeling the cold storm water running off under us. The river water level was rising dramatically and we were so worried that our sleeping place will be flooded. Well, that's our first night of camping.

Day 2

Kem Y → Hollow Tree @ Pokok Meraga Berlubang → Bukit Celcom → Berembun Kecil Bonsai Garden (Taman Bonzai) → Peak of Gunung Berembun → Jeram Lesung → Langsir

We woke up around 7 am and prepared ourselves as well as had our breakfast. Our hike continued around 9 am and started another full day of trekking with 7 hours. With the non-stop steep vertical ascent, there were much more scenic spots on the second day. Thus, we took small breaks all the way where there was a scenic spot including Taman Bonzai and Jeram Lesung. To me, the most unique spot was the hollow tree @ Pokok Meraga Berlubang, the one and only tree full of holes at CBL. Sometimes, we couldn't know how amazing our nature is until we see it and feel it.

After passing by the hollow tree, we ascended to Bukit Celcom, Berembun Kecil and Taman Bonzai before reaching the peak of Gunung Berembun (1,036 m) which was the highest point of the whole trekking route. With the name of Bukit Celcom, definitely only got line coverage for Celcom although it was still relatively weak. Taman Bonzai was located at elevation 1,004 m where the trees species and landscape here were obviously different.

The terrain was more undulating with river crossing after the Gunung Berembun. We walked along the Sungai Langsir and passed by Jeram Lesung pools. Jeram Lesung pools was about 10 minutes walking distance from Langsir campsite. We set up the fly tent and ground speedily once reached Langsir campsite around 5 pm in order to gain more time for a visit to and dip at the multi-tiered emerald green Jeram Lesung pools.

In an attempt to avoid another nightmare, we made a small drain surrounding our camp, so that the storm water would be catered in the drain and we will not going to sleep in water again. Yay, it was much more comfortable compared to the first night. Nevertheless, no matter how success we built the drain, we had to move our camp lastly due to the existing place is too steep for us to sleep. All of us kept sliding down when we were sleeping. Hence, the lesson of the story is to choose a camp area wisely.

Even though it was raining during the second night, the rain was not as heavy as the previous night and hence, we could enjoyed the star gazing finally. Without any light pollution, sitting on a rock at the top of the highest waterfall in Malaysia, watching the stars blinking in the dark sky and attaining the absolute peace was definitely the best moment.

Never forget to tell that there was a toilet opposite Langsir campsite and we had to cross river to reach the toilet. It’s really surprised us. Despite we couldn't bath inside the toilet, it was more than enough for us to do our own business. The most important was that the toilet was super clean!

Day 3

Langsir → Sungai Bangan @ Balu → Seraya Besar → Kem Y

It had been told and acknowledged that there would be an awesome sunrise in front of the Langsir campsite. Hence, we woke up at 6 am early morning for it. Unfortunately, as the time pass, we waited and it just didn't happen due to much of clouds blocking the way. There might be a little bit of disappointed but the panoramic view still a worth.

We prepared ourselves and had breakfast as well as kept our things before leaving the Langsir campsite. We considered the last day was the longest and toughest day of the trek as we needed to descend to where we came from after the 2 days of spending our energy.

The start of the trekking on day 3 was crossing the Sungai Langsir and heading to Sungai Bangan @ Balu which was another breathtaking panoramic view with clear and calm water. After a break at Sungai Bangan @ Balu, we continued to Kem B and had a stop at Seraya Besar to have our lunch. When we reached Kem B, we had a relax moment to enjoy 'fish spa'. From Kem B, we skipped the detour to Chemerong Waterfall for a shorter descent route to the trail head to end the 3 days of scenic trek.

We finished the trekking around 5.30 pm. After the trek, we drove to the Kuantan town for a stay before going back to Ipoh.


It was incredible that all of us carrying a bag with about 8 kg and trekking for 3 days continuously. Therefore, never underestimate yourself, you are capable of more than you can imagine.

Not to forget, 1L of water is enough for the beginning of your trekking. Once reached the campsite, we managed to get some river water to drink. Yeah, at first it was quite worrisome and you will feel that is it safe to drink? No worries, one sip of it will change your mind. It was surprisingly refreshing and cool, and it tasted better than mineral water. Yet, there is technique to obtain the good quality water as you need to hold the empty bottle at the right angle and only fill the water from the bottom of the river.

Meanwhile, we really appreciate those friendly and enthusiastic crews on the guiding, helping and taking care of us as well as sharing their experience all the way.

Well, that’s all for this CBL hike. Looking forward to hunt down another exciting hike.
Signing off from KnKadventravel.